In [ ]:
import R_audience as data_enthusiasts

“My model shows…”

communicating data science to the management

Ágoston Török, Synetiq

@torokagoston @SynetiqLab

- I’ve got so many things to say

- I’ve got so little time to listen

Three stories

  • Support vector machines
  • Ensemble of trees
  • Convolutional neural network
In [ ]:
%pylab inline
import pandas as pd

data1 = np.loadtxt('/storage/wheel_trajectory_data.csv')
data2 = pd.read_csv('/storage/eeg_data.csv')
data3 = pd.read_csv('/storage/driven_data_challenge.csv')

Prevent accidents with data science

The problem

  • The car in front of you can make unexpected maneuvers
  • We got information too late (steering backlash, vehicle inertia, tire stiffness)
  • Vehicle2vehicle communication system
  • Quick classification to danger and no-danger

*Ágoston Török, Krisztián Varga, Jean-Marie Pergandi, Pierre Mallet, Ferenc Honbolygó, Valéria Csépe, Daniel Mestre


  • One Class SVM
  • Finds the most optimal hyperplane that differentiates in-lier and outlier cases
  • Prediction based on Support Vectors (sparsity)


In [ ]:
from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM

# since it is a OC-SVM gridsearch not works. We can 
# find a way to minimize the positives, but without seeing 
# those positives we cannot be certain that those should be
# excluded.

# this appeared to be the best parameters for the model with < 5% false alarms
model = OneClassSVM(nu=0.05, # sparsity parameter (other models it is C)
                    gamma=0.25, # kernel width
                    kernel='rbf', # Gaussian kernel
                    shrinking=True, # temporarily gets rid of unlikely SV candidates
prediction = model.predict(validation_xw)


  • Smoother decision function -> 'If it is a no go you will see the signs'
  • Sparse representation -> 'We don't have to check each and every cases everytime'

Make things automatic with data science

The problem

  • Biosignals are noisy
  • Finding noisy epochs is time consuming
  • Sometimes it is rather difficult to define precisely what is noise

*David Tellez, (Agoston Torok)

In [17]:
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Dense, Convolution1D, MaxPooling1D, Input, Flatten
from IPython.display import SVG
from keras.utils.visualize_util import model_to_dot

input_signal = Input(shape=(256, 1))

cl1 = Convolution1D(32,  10, border_mode='same', activation='relu')(input_signal)
cl2 = Convolution1D(32,  6, border_mode='same', activation='relu')(cl1)
mp1 = MaxPooling1D(2, border_mode='same')(cl2)
flat = Flatten()(mp1)
decision = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')(flat)

model = Model(input=input_signal, output=decision)

SVG(model_to_dot(model, show_shapes=True).create(prog='dot', format='svg'))
G 140474495319456 input_13 (InputLayer) input: output: (None, 256, 1) (None, 256, 1) 140474494056544 convolution1d_21 (Convolution1D) input: output: (None, 256, 1) (None, 256, 32) 140474495319456->140474494056544 140475430157168 convolution1d_22 (Convolution1D) input: output: (None, 256, 32) (None, 256, 32) 140474494056544->140475430157168 140474495021520 maxpooling1d_7 (MaxPooling1D) input: output: (None, 256, 32) (None, 128, 32) 140475430157168->140474495021520 140474495357784 flatten_6 (Flatten) input: output: (None, 128, 32) (None, 4096) 140474495021520->140474495357784 140475430358880 dense_7 (Dense) input: output: (None, 4096) (None, 1) 140474495357784->140475430358880


  • Neural networks can learn well the non-linear boundaries -> 'I don't have to spend two more months crossvalidating'
  • Neural networks require a lot of training data -> 'You do have to gimme more data'
  • The architecture is of core importance <-

Find the tune in the noise


  • You have large amount of noisy data from several sources
  • You have human made categorical labels
  • Limited time do it

*Agoston Torok, Adam Csapo, Krisztian Varga, Adam Divak

In [ ]:
from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier

# meta estimator that fits a number of randomized decision trees (a.k.a. extra-trees) 
# on various sub-samples of the dataset and use averaging to improve the predictive 
# accuracy and control over-fitting.

# XGBoost - features are selected based on previous trees, splits are selected to best differentiate
# Random forest - features are selected at random, splits are selected to best differentiate
# Extremely randomized trees - features and splits are also at random

model = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=500, # a large amount of estimators
                            max_depth= 10,  # regularization
                            n_jobs=-1, # can be parallel
                            criterion='entropy', # or gini impurity
                            max_features=80) # so we had a huge number of features


  • Not only RF or XGBoost - 'You are not a one tool guy/girl'
  • Computationally cheap - 'I don't need that X1 AWS after all'
  • Feature importance can be defined - 'That number is important'

Take home messages

  • Income & understandability
  • Being an expert means acknowledging statistical significance
  • Businesswise vs datasciencewise solution

Thank you for your attention!

@torokagoston @SynetiqLab

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